Monday, November 26, 2007


Wednesday, Nov 28, various appearances at UWF, Pensacola, Commons Conference Center.

*10-11:30am [Commons: Conference Center, Room C, World Affairs Club Forum Event --address the campus group, the campus community and the Pensacola community on national security, democracy around the world.
(Open to public)

*11:45-1:00pm Conference Center Room B--Lunch – Invitees only, including UWF student leaders, SLS class members, members of the local media, as well as campus media, including Voyager student newspaper and journalism students. [Open to public also, but only special guests invitees will have lunch provided]

*1:15- 1:45pm Press Conference, UC Conference Center, Faculty Lounge. (Open to public, students, including UWF journalism students]

*2:30—3:30pm Conference Center Room B--Speak to Chat Sue’s Freshman Seminar class. Besides the 27 class members, other members of the campus community are invited to attend and observe. (Anyone can attend, but the main goal of the seminar is for Senator Graham to interact with the students in this SLS 1109 class about how to get college students 18-21 involved in politics/civic affair}

Of course, Senator Graham will also discuss his favorite quotation on civic involvement in a democracy:

“The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.”

Robert Maynard Hutchens

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